Lilyshadow She-cat Mistclan Senior warrior 70 moons
Lilyshadow is a beautiful Light Grey she-cat with white paws and white tip to tail. She has a white belly and a 4 leaf clover shape on her chest.
Lilyshadow is a caring cat who loves to play. She is kind to herself and others and says kind stuff to others when they need it. She is loyal to her clan and friends that she loves. She is a thoughtful and quiet warrior who will speak to others when they need it. She is a unique and presious warrior. She believes that no one is truly good or evil.
hunting: 6/10
herb knowledge: 3/10
swimming: 7/10
climbing: 4/10
memory: 6/10
running: 10/10
stamina: 10/10
tracking: 4/10
sneak attacks: 2/10
Past Life:
Lilyshadow was born to Snowhare of Mistclan and Thunderstrike of MistClan. She was originally named Brownkit but her name was changed when her mother and father found out she was as sweet as a lily. She lived most of her life hunting and doing patrols. She is close to Aquastar of Mistclan, her being her best friend. She has never had a mate or kits. She knows that her friend is troubled and she is trying her hardest to find out what is troubling her.